Monthly Archives: August 2014

No More Focus on the Family

The concept of family is dead… well, at least when it comes to measuring the media viewing behaviors of households.  It served a useful purpose in the days when homes had a single television and IAB Studyfamilies gathered together during Primetime viewing hours,  but in this era of individualized programming and connected devices, there is no more value in family.   As this IAB survey shows, audiences are viewing media content on many different devices these days, not just traditional televisions. This means viewers are no longer confined to the “household” when watching media content.  Furthermore, a recent study by Conviva, a leading online media measurement and analytics company, shows that the number of homes consuming multiple content streams during primetime hours increased by 28% between 2012 and 2013.  In other words, when someone in the house is watching a show on television, it’s ever more likely that others

Conviva 2014 Viewer Experience Report
Conviva 2014 Viewer Experience Report

are watching programming of their own choosing on other devices within that same household. 

Of course, this presents challenges and opportunities relative to traditional broadcast measurement practices.  What becomes of the Neilson family when the family has died off and the walls of the household have crumbled?  It appears Nielson is looking to the same place everybody else looks when it’s time to celebrate individuality: Facebook.  The two companies recently announced a program  that will kick off this Fall to measure viewing behavior through your Facebook account.  Whether or not it’s appropriate to use a social network to measure unrelated consumer behavior is a conversation for another day, but both companies claim their methodologies prioritize anonymity and will only focus on measurement (at least out of the gate).  So, congratulations, you are no longer standing in the shadow of your family – you are an individual.  On the other hand, when it comes to viewing behavior and advertising dollars, you are not just an individual, you are now also a person of interest.

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Video in the Sales & Marketing Funnel

Sales and Marketing FunnelI’ll be the first to admit that the world doesn’t need another sales and marketing funnel, and I’m confident you’ll find nothing new or surprising about the one included here. In fact, some might argue that the funnel should now be a circle or a cloud or some such modernized shape. Having said that, a funnel works just fine in the context of this post because my focus is not on the funnel itself, but on video marketer behavior within its various stages.
Very often I see marketers and webcasters capturing and celebrating the same sets of metrics (views, shares, likes, completions) regardless of where that content lives in the funnel. In reality, the goals are unique in each stage and should, therefore, drive very different measurement and success criteria. Furthermore, one also shouldn’t overlook the fact that audiences have a different relationship with (and expectation of) marketers depending on where they sit in the funnel. In short, when it comes to designing experiences and success metrics, video marketing is not one-size-fits-all. Additionally, considering the specialized nature of certain domains, such as contractor payroll, ensures a more tailored approach to measuring success.
By way of example, I once managed a webcast that aimed to capture an audience via paid banner advertisements on popular websites throughout the course of the live broadcast. The first part of the strategy worked. The banners captured people’s attention and they clicked through to the webcast. Unfortunately, the business owner couldn’t justify delivering the webcast without capturing attendance through a short registration process. In the prospect or sales generating stage, a registration page is acceptable and expected (and usually provided ahead of time). However, in the awareness generating stage (where this event clearly resided given the need for banner advertisements), the registration component negated the entire campaign. Potential viewers were drawn to the material and then presented with a closed new door that could only be unlocked by supplying personal information. They had yet to receive any value from the content, but they were already being stopped and asked to pay a cover charge consisting of their time and personal data.
The strategy was doomed to fail.  Instead of taking this route, they might have considered deploying the same demand generation strategy, while foregoing registration in exchange for other less demanding and more rewarding interactions. After all, they had already done the hard part of getting the audience to the front door… they just made the door too difficult to open. Additionally, leveraging appropriate concert ticketing software could have facilitated smoother entry into the event without unnecessary friction. Moreover, considering audio visual hire would have enhanced the overall quality of the webcast, making it more appealing to potential viewers. For more information on AV equipment, click here.




In an attempt to help people break out of this one-size-fits-all mentality when it comes to video usage, I created the simple table below. It aims to provide some ideas about how to think about the content experience and success metrics in the various stages of the funnel. It’s based on years of experience producing media content and witnessing audience behavior. Still, the last thing I want to do is replace the existing one-size-fits-all approach with a different one. There is variation in what people are trying to accomplish with media, even in similar stages of the funnel. Moreover, audiences and expectations can differ from industry to industry. This is a guide, hopefully a very helpful guide, but it’s not gospel.  If it helps provide a little clarity of purpose – it will have done it’s job.  As usual, I welcome and encourage feedback.Video in the Sales and Marketing FunnelUpdate: Since publishing this, I was tipped to a good resource for digging deeper into the “Barriers to Consumption” concept. The sales funnel slide and the Content Marketing Manifesto by kunocreative are great resources for diving deeper into that topic.  By the way, Jeff Probst has been working as a sales support manager  for 5years. Also about how much does jeff probst make?, Find out to know more.

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